Mixed Asana Flows

YOGA – Short yin-style 15-minute flow

Another outdoor summery flow in a slower, more relaxed yin style, covering:

Mountain raises
Standing backbend
Forward Fold / Half Fold
Downward Facing Dog variations
Flip into Wild Thing (both sides)
Malasana (yogi squat) with variations
Dolphin push-up circles
Wide Legged Plank
Wide Legged Forward Fold – plus variations
Forearm Plank variation
Balasana (Child’s Pose)
Supported flying split (EPK II) / Stretched Lizard
Puppy Pose / Melting Heart Pose with variations
Supine Scorpion Twist

Finish up with a restorative downdog and forward fold.

Filmed in Godmanchester, in July 2018.

YOGA – Outdoors Summer 50 Minute Free-Flow

Full 50-minute outdoor free-flow. Includes folds, twists, binds, backbends, inversions, seated, standing and balance asana.

Filmed in Huntingdon, in July 2018.

Garden Yoga Free-Flow

Another free-flow session incorporating folds, twists and intense backbends with the yoga wheel. Talking to Wilbur who for this session opted to remain off-camera and eat mud and bricks…

Filmed in June 2018 at home.

Real Time Yoga Flow (Park)

Free-flow routine including basic common yoga asana, forward folds, lunges, pigeons and backbends.

Filmed in May 2018 in Huntingdon.

Real Time Yoga Flow

Free-flow featuring a series of forward folds, backbends and other yoga asana.

Filmed in May 2018 in Huntingdon.

Wall Assisted Yoga Stretches (Warmup)

7 minutes of warmup stretches cut and compressed into just under 1 minute. Worked with the wall so I could isolate some problem areas (left hip, right shoulder). This was the second round of the same stretches so where you can really see where I’m having problems, that was about as good as they got.

Routine includes:
Modified puppy before full puppy
Standing backbend
Standing knee to chest
Single leg lifts
Standing pigeon
Standing lizard
Standing split

Filmed April 2018 in The Ninja Cave.

Yoga Free-Flow: Inversion Practice and Twists

Freeflow of yoga poses including:

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Extended Mountain/Upward Salute
Standing Half Forward Fold
Standing Forward Fold
Easy Pose
Plow Pose
Sideways Plow (both sides)
Ear Pressure Pose
Headstand (pike press up to straight, stag, tuck and straddle legs then pike down)
Child’s Pose
Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm Stand – kickup practice and kickover/ticktock practice)
Downward Facing Dog
Jump into Forward Fold
Handstand Practice
Cat-Cow Rotations
Child’s Pose
Downward Facing Dog
Jump into Forward Fold
Easy Pose
Easy Pose with Twist (both sides)
Lord of the Fishes Pose (both sides)
Reclined Spinal Twist (both sides)
Savasana (Corpse Pose)

This is a flow led by my body; no prior planning, just a vague intention to include inversions. Links and transitions happen in the moment: the true essence of a yoga practice, listening to your body, learning what it needs and serving it accordingly.

Filmed at sunrise on 19th June 2017 in Norfolk, UK.

Woodland Sunrise Yoga – Sun Salutations Series B

Sun Salutations B comprising:

Mountain Pose
Chair Pose
Standing Half Forward Fold
Standing Forward Fold
Downward Facing Dog
Warrior I
Downward Facing Dog
Warrior I (other foot)
Downward Facing Dog
Standing Half Forward Fold
Standing Forward Fold

Filmed at sunrise on 19th June 2017 in Norfolk, UK.

Woodland Sunrise Yoga – Sun Salutations Series A

Sun Salutations A comprising:

Mountain Pose
Extended Mountain/Upward Salute Pose
Standing Half Forward Fold
Standing Forward Fold
Downward Facing Dog
Standing Half Forward Fold
Standing Forward Fold

Move between poses on the inhalations and exhalations, if holding aim for 5 breaths, and repeat the full sun salutation cycle at least 3 times. I ran 5 cycles to correct some mistakes and to practice pranayama (breathing) in asana (posture).

Filmed at sunrise on 19th June 2017 in Norfolk, UK.


#LETSSTARTYOGA Yoga Flow by Jessica Olie: “Open Your Heart 1”

Running through the “Open Your Heart 1” flow from Jessica Olie’s e-book, “Find Your Flow”.

Poses in running order…

Forward Fold
Extended Mountain Pose
Mountain Pose
Cat-Cow rotations (x10)
Downward Facing Dog – Upward Facing Dog rotations (x10)
Downward Dog*
3 Legged Downward Dog*
Wild Thing*
*Repeat on the other side
Scorpion Stretch

The flow does go on to finish on Downward Dog, Jump into Forward Fold, Extended Mountain and then Mountain Pose, but I ran out of storage space!

This was my second time running through this flow.

Filmed May 2017.

#LETSSTARTYOGA Yoga Flow by Jessica Olie: “Flip Your Perspective 1”

Following the #LETSSTARTYOGA movement with world-renowned yogi Jessica Olie. This is the “Flip Your Perspective Flow 1”, which runs as follows:

Extended Mountain
Forward Fold
Wide-Legged Forward Fold (WLFF)
Skandasana (Side Lunge) x3 each side
Headstand variation
*Hero with backbend* (added in myself)
One-leg Dolphin
One-leg Dolphin (opposite side)
Child’s Pose

Filmed May 2017.

Downward Facing Dog variations and Dolphin

Hamstrings, glutes or calf muscles tight; can’t get those heels to the floor in downdog? Do you compensate by rounding your back? If so – stop. With all forward fold variants, it is essential to pivot from the hips to retain a neutral spine. This will prevent backache and pain associated with rounding, or slumping. Instead, keep your upper body straight, and bend your knees as much as you need to.

Start pedalling with your legs, bending one knee in further while straightening the other to stretch the muscles gently. Stretch each leg a little more each time. You can also loosen up your hip flexors and ankles by cross-stepping your feet. When you’re ready, you can try dropping into dolphin. Repeat the variations above to gradually bring your heels down to the ground, but remember the most important element is to maintain a neutral spine!

Yoga Flow Beginning

Video sped up to 2x speed.

Gentle moves to warm up the body including downward facing dog and variants of it, dolphin, plank, child’s pose and cobra.

Backbends, Balances and Inversions

Hero Pose – Camel Pose – Peacock Pose – Chin Stand – Scorpion

Not recommended until adequate back strength and flexibility has been built up – it’s taken me two years to gain enough in each pose to be able to put them into a flow.

Flexibility Routine

A short routine featuring forward folds, inversions, backbends, kickover to bridge, rolls, drop back into bridge and splits. A dynamic flow!